1. Confirmation and Availability

Availability: All bookings are contingent upon availability. Check-in and check-out times will adhere to the hotel’s policy.

Room Reservations: Rooms are subject to availability and no reservations have been made at this time. This document is provided solely as a quotation.

2. Meals


Meal Timings: Guests are required to follow the hotel’s meal schedule. Unconsumed meals are non-refundable.

3. Identification


Identity Proof: Please ensure you carry a valid photo ID, as it is required for airport security and hotel check-in.

4. Early Check-In & Late Check-Out

Payment: Guests are responsible for settling payments for early check-in and late check-out directly with the hotel.

5. Hotel Reservations

Quotations: This quotation is an offer, not a booking confirmation. If the original hotels are unavailable, we will arrange equivalent or alternative options.

6. Additional Charges

Hidden Charges: DM Holiday imposes no hidden charges, except for lunch and personal expenses. Report any requests for extra money immediately. We are not responsible for any additional payments made without our consent.

7. Unused Services

Non-Refundable Services: No refunds will be issued for unused accommodations, missed meals, transportation, sightseeing tours, or other services due to factors beyond our control, including bad weather, illness, strikes, or roadblocks. DM Holidays is not liable for natural calamities.

8. Hotel Information

Verification: Before confirming your booking, personally verify the hotel’s website, reviews, and services online. If the provided hotels are unsuitable, request upgraded options.

9. Travel Issues

Immediate Contact: If you experience any issues with hotels or transportation during your trip, contact your tour executive immediately for resolution. Complaints made after returning home will not be addressed.

10. Meals and Room Service

Hotel Policy: Buffet meals and room service are provided according to hotel policy. Unused services are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. No discounts will be applied after package confirmation.

11. Disputes

Jurisdiction: Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in New Delhi, India.

12. Acceptance

Terms and Conditions: Please read these terms and conditions carefully before making a booking. By booking, you agree to these terms.